Thursday, March 29, 2012

leather of the fruit.

i've had a thing for a certain type of food that i could never get my hands on,

i love fruit leather.
like a serious love.
i don't know what it is,
it's not covered in chocolate or anything.

everyone in my family hates it and my parents never bought it so i only got to eat one every once in a while.

i finally gave in and asked one of my co-workers if i could use their membership at costco,
and i bought a costco sized pack.

i'm more happy about buying these than i am about buying clothes,
and i'm really happy when i buy clothes.

three cheers for fruit leather.

what's your favorite flavor?
mine's strawberry.


jessie said...

HEY! i'm obsessed with fruit leather. that's what i asked for for my birthday. i like grape and strawberry. i'm so glad i've found someone that shares my affinity for them. seriously, i have a giant box of them under my bed right now.

Nicole said...

all except for apple. if there was a blood flavor, i'd probably even like that too. oh wait, blood's not a fruit..

Meg said...

green apple is my favorite.