Sunday, April 13, 2014


On the second day of my Poland trip, we drove an hour to place that some people wouldn't dare to set foot in.

This is Auschwitz.

I saw the prisons they were held in.
I saw the barracks they slept in.
I saw the gas chambers in which some died in.

It was the most humbling experience of my life.

You read about all of the people in concentration camps and I feel like it's all been sugar coated.
So. Many. People. Died.

They were brought to that place not knowing that they weren't ever going to leave it.

Rooms full of suitcases, shoes, household pottery proved it and it was heartbreaking to see.

If you ever get the chance to go to place like this, I encourage you to. It isn't for everybody but if you feel you can handle it then do it.

It's there to give you a true perspective and to teach the world a lesson. And I think the plaque that's displayed in many languages says it all.

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