Have you seen Spectre, yet? I won't spoil anything.
But I will spoil something.
Lea Seydoux's wardrobe is incredible.
As my boyfriend was admiring all the pretty cars, I was admiring the pretty styling of the newest Bond girl.
It was all so perfect. If I were a bond girl, what would I wear?
Here's my premise for my very own Bond movie.
I'm a journalist working in London. I have interviewed many international public figures and so I have a lot of inside information about world leaders. With my attention to detail and sharp research skills, I end up in the middle of a large corruption scandal. My safety has been compromised but James finds me very useful.
We have to go to a fabulous ball where we have to try and get information on a top Russian official.
We find out that he has some serious shade in his home in Bali. We jetset there.
But we end up back in London where I have to help him kick some serious butt.
I'm obviously no screen writer. Don't worry about the story, focus on the clothes. But I think I'd be a great Bond girl. Plus.. you know.. Daniel Craig.
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शहद के ऐसे टिप्स जो हैं बड़े काम के
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साधारण से वास्तु उपाय, सफलता दिलाए
नया घर बनवाते या खरीदते समय रखें ये सावधानियां
घर के इस हिस्से को बनवाते समय आजमाएं वास्तु के ये उपाय
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