Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and they're "back"

my little brother just walked into my room informing me that we love you pg is back.
um yeah right.
if you read the incredibly entertaining blog that was up last year,
and read this current one,
you know for sure it's not the same people.

you're probably some sophomores who desperately need some drama.
stop using so many periods, LOLs, cheesy emoticons and CAPITAL LETTERS.
just saying.
and the A** was classy too.

i hope these girls get caught this time.


cailey said...

what a sick joke.
They're seriously so stupid.

meg. said...

i saw it. what a joke.

somethingcoolerthan said...

No kidding. As lame as it was the first time they actually knew how to write. It's definitely not the same people, but it's still just as lame.

Beka said...

wow it makes me feel real sorry for those people who write that. they must have terribly boring lives. i mean i find entertainment from much cooler things than gossip- for example, watching people run while wearing backpacks. :)

Alexis said...

is it stupid that i have no clue what "we love you pg" even is...?

Kate! said...

oh my gosh. I hate that blog SO MUCH. It makes me want to defend everybody, even if I don't like them.

I honestly don't know how they could write that stuff . . .