Tuesday, January 31, 2012

just to clear the air,

to those you just had to comment
and couldn't just assume for yourselves.

thanks for being super sensitive and commenting anonymously..

yes, jeff did leave on a mission.
but no he currently isn't on one now.
he came home.

he's still an amazing kid, don't be quick to judge.
because i'm sure 80% of you just did.
before you start making the typical utah assumptions that come up, go through the experience with a close friend or family member, then you can understand.

sorry to be so harsh.
it's a little touchy subject for me right now.


Unknown said...

it really bugs me when people assume stuff like that. i hope everything works out and people stay outta your business.

Robyn said...

i was wondering about that, but i made sure not not make any assumptions. people face challenges in life & some people are too dumb to realize that not everything is their business.

Alexis said...

same here with robyn. i would never judge a boy for something ike that. my brother didn't even go on a mission so i have no room to be judgemental. its something i try my hardest not to be. i support the both of you thoroughly. everythin happens for a reason and im sure this is for the better.
love you syd :)

shabe said...

girl!! you know i love you and jeff im so happy for the both of you! i miss not having you in relief society to talk about all of our love stuff! lets go on a date sometime soon xoxox

lisa said...

Seriously, ho's. LOVE YOU.

Christi Lynn said...

everything happens for a reason. i'm sorry people are quick to judge. everyone is different. i hope everything works out!

carlee ellen said...

people are rediculous. i've had anonymous commenters too trying to be lame. hate them.

i know sometimes its hard to not let them get to you, but just try. they're lame and obviously have no life.

everything happens for a reason, and no one should judge. hold your head high:)

Alyssa said...

want some good anonymous comments to laugh at, go read comments from my blog- they are ridiculous. But I love you, and he is an amazing guy no matter if he serves a full time mission or not, lots of great guys don't serve. Keep your head up and that smile on honey buns!