Best thing ever is when I would hear
"Hey Sydnee, we're going to ____. Would you like to join us?"
The answer will always be "why yes, yes I would."
So when that blank was filled with Rome, Italy, I didn't even hesitate.
If you have ever flown with Ryanair, you'd know that it's pretty cheap and basically.. you get what you pay for.
On this flight we flew over Rome, I could see everything! I can't wait to land! We must be landing soon!
I would say.. an hour later, we were still flying around in the air. I understand that it takes a while to land but.. yeah something wasn't right. Then the pilot came over the intercom,
"Uh good afternoon folks, it seems that our landing gear isn't quite working so we're flying into a different airport because we will landing at a higher speed."
That isn't scary at all. Then a German woman next to me asks me what they are saying because she doesn't speak english. So with my incredibly poor german I try to explain the situation and she then shoots me the most terrified look basically looking like "Are we going to die?" No, I assure you we are not.
We finally landed and finally found our room to stay in
Just eating gelato on the Spanish Steps.
I don't think I even want to disclose how much gelato I consumed..
It was a lot.
We then ate some pretty terrible Italian food and called it a day.