Friday, March 11, 2016

La Musique

I've been going through an interesting music phase lately.

I've been drawn to French music lately.

I used to be a Francophile. Just check out my blog when I would post four or five years ago (on second thought.. please don't). I used to fantasize about living in Paris, speaking perfect fluent french, wearing Parisian clothes, eating all of the finest French foods, etc. Then.. I actually went to France.

It was not as glamorous as I imagined it. I met a Belgian guy who confessed his love to me (feelings were not very mutual), and he spoke French to me constantly. Suddenly, French didn't sound as romantic as I thought it once did.

Then I started listening to this French music over a year after I had gotten over this obsession. It could be because I haven't been able to listen to French in a very long time, but I love it.

(This song has been on constant repeat in my apartment)

It's been kind of fun revisiting this old love I once had. I probably won't go back to Paris, though.

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