Saturday, January 15, 2011

day six, my day.

well, my day today was full
hence why i'm blogging about it the next day.

my morning,
i went to school with a slight fiendish attitude.
after finishing half of my math homework,
i had unbearable pain.
the type only girls would understand,
i went home and watched gilmore girls and then went back to go to my final day of seminary.
we watched the chronicles of andrew.
funniest thing i've ever seen.
"i just want to thank you for giving me the best night of my life"

i went off to work as usual,
delivered to the MTC, and cut some vinyl.
then came the fun part..


our young women leaders rented out the mutual dell lodge and we had a F.U.N. activity (friendship unity night.)
we played the box game (which takes too long to explain but.. basically, it's vicious)
lisa re-sprained her ankle and i have a giant bruise on my knee.
i head butted a little beehive, reagan too.
me and emme (my new little sister) owned at chicken on the roof,
and i ended the night with claire playing and braiding my hair.

could possibly be one of the greatest nights ever.

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